Most Experienced Abstractors
The most professional and extensive abstractor network in the state. All abstractors have a minimum 10 years experience.

Family Business
Calls and emails are answered the first time, every time. Searches are delivered in a timely manner as a typed, easy-to-understand PDF via email.

Who We Are
Bret Boscaccy began abstracting for a small title agent in 1995. Shortly thereafter, he was recruited by Fidelity National Title as a dedicated abstractor for a specialized group of clients. The experience in Fidelity's title plant and the extensive fieldwork in courthouses from rural Lake County to the metropolis of Nashville prepared Mr. Boscaccy to successfully fill a gap in the independent abstractor market.
In 1999, Mr. Boscaccy went "out on his own," covering Shelby, Fayette, and Tipton County, TN. Quality work, reasonable prices, and competency lead to a demand for expansion. The following twenty years have been spent diligently creating an infrastructure of the most professional abstractors to maintain the same quality statewide.
Nationwide Service
We not only provide title search services in Tennessee and Mississippi, but we have recently expanded, partnering with a sister company who can provide all types of abstracting, title searches, and public records nationwide.
Nationwide Service
We not only provide title search services in Tennessee and Mississippi, but we have recently expanded, partnering with a sister company who can provide all types of abstracting, title searches, and public records nationwide.

Excellent Service at a Fair Price
Established in 1999, Bret Boscaccy Abstracting has grown from a tri-county territory to full Tennessee - Mississippi coverage and more. Title searches and abstracting are what we specialize in, but we can handle almost any public-record request nationwide. We provide service for national underwriters, banks, government agencies, local title agents, law firms, and more. Our mission is to provide the best product available for a reasonable price. We never contract services from overseas companies or from "green" searchers. Our network of abstractors is the most seasoned in the business. Please explore the rest of this site and feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]